In one of my very first calls when I assumed my role as a County Commissioner in 2019, I asked not where we were as a county, but where are we going? It was evident growth was coming our way and those with thoughtful insight offered that East Lee County would play an important part in the way forward. The question was when?
In 2020, the unexpected challenges of the pandemic did not create new trends but rather accelerated existing ones. The “move’ was occurring prior to the pandemic, already spurred by geographic, demographic and consumer shifts throughout the United States.
The real estate industry is equal parts local, regional, and national yet are tied together by such common factors as the availability of labor, cost of materials, and available land. Add to that rising inflation, cost of financing, and the challenges increase. Which leads to the key factor of sustainable and affordable workforce housing. In essence we have more demand than supply, which pushes cost up.
By adding to the supply side we keep our workforce employed, work to get housing stock up, and create new communities which brings people together to work and play. The “template” of ample or usable green space, protection of our precious waters, wildlife and smart housing does exist, however there is more work to do.
So where are we going? East…and no question the timing is now!
Commissioner Ray Sandelli
Lee Board of County Commissioners
District 3