Consolidated Plan Assessment Survey

Please take 10 minutes to complete a survey to help Lee County Human and Veteran Services determine funding priorities for the next five-year planning cycle (FY 2024-2028) of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grants. These grants include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). No identifying information is collected, and all survey responses are anonymous. Survey responses will be accepted until May 17, 2024, at 5:00 pm.  Please contact Lee County Human and Veteran Services at 239-533-7900 for assistance.

If you are interested – We are also gathering a FOCUS group to give feedback on the Lee County Consolidated Plan on May 14th at 1:30 PM at the Fort Myers Regional Library Conference Room A. The library is located at 2450 First St. Fort Myers, FL 33901. 

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