Lee Health Seeking Blood Donations

Lee Health in critical need of blood donations
Current Blood Supply is Below Critically Low

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Jan. 1, 2022) — Lee Health is experiencing an extreme blood shortage and seeking blood donations to help replenish supply levels. Current blood supplies are below critically low, and Lee Health’s blood centers are in urgent need of donors.

As home to the region’s only trauma center, it is vital that the health system’s blood supply remains at healthy levels in order to quickly care for patients needing an urgent transfusion. Blood and blood products are not only used in the trauma center, but also to treat cancer patients, premature babies, anemia and a variety of other conditions. 

Lee Health’s blood centers are the sole supplier of all blood products for the entire health system. About 800 units of blood are needed per week, and the blood centers rely on life-saving donations from the community to maintain inventory levels.

The Lee Health Blood Mobile will be at numerous locations throughout Southwest Florida in January. Click here for dates and times.

All blood donated at Lee Health stays within the health system to care for patients in Southwest Florida. If unable to attend one of the upcoming blood drives, donations can also be made at one of Lee Health’s blood centers to help save lives.

For more information on how and where to donate, please visit Lee Health Blood Centers.

About Lee Health

Since the opening of the first hospital in 1916, Lee Health has been a health care leader in Southwest Florida, constantly evolving to meet the needs of the community. A non-profit, integrated health care services organization, Lee Health is committed to the well-being of every individual served, focused on healthy living and maintaining good health. Staffed by caring people, inspiring health, services are conveniently located throughout the community in four acute care hospitals, two specialty hospitals, outpatient centers, walk-in medical centers, primary care and specialty physician practices and other services across the continuum of care. Learn more at www.LeeHealth.org [scanmail.trustwave.com].

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