Member Benefits
An East Lee County Chamber of Commerce membership delivers benefits that directly impact your bottom line including networking events and opportunities, business referrals, marketing exposure, educational seminars, and special discounts and offers. The chamber exists to work for you and your business.
- Display your flyers, brochures and business cards in our Welcome Center
- Inclusion in the official Member Directory for discovery purposes
- In 2019, more than 17,000 people contacted us for information by phone, web and email
- Join us and our members at our monthly membership luncheon featuring educational guest speakers and great food
- Business After Hours: A monthly social, networking event hosted by local member businesses
- Annual Dinner and special events throughout the year
- Opportunities to join a committee and work alongside others to make our community the best it can be
Complimentary Public Relations (PR)
- All new members receive complimentary “welcome ads” in our local newspaper
- Symbolic Ribbon Cutting ceremonies are hosted for every new member
Unique Opportunities to Promote Your Business
- Increase your presence with potential customers on the internet with direct links and banner ads on our website
- Place an advertisement on the official chamber website
- Show off your products and services at our Annual Trade Show
- Exclusive access to Member Mailing List
- Sponsorships and Event Hosting are a great way to get attention of the local community and show your commitment to your community
Develop Your Business Skills
- Regular Business Skills Workshops covering everything from Networking, Finances to Marketing and more
- Special Training Events
Impact your Community
- Join and support chamber committees to impact local communities
- Amplify your voice in the community
- We help protect your interests by acting on local and regional issues
- We develop, promote and provide community awareness and educate residents on local issues
Business Resources You Can’t Find Anywhere Else
- Our trained staff and team of volunteers can answer your questions and guide you towards solutions
- Our online calendar ensures that you stay up to date on local news and events
Perceived Credibility
A recent independent study* found that when a consumer knows a business is a member of the local chamber of commerce they are:
- + 44% more likely to think favorably about that business
- + 63% more likely to purchase goods and services from that business in the future